
Tag Archives: Let It Be

         "Let It Be"是The Beatles较晚期的歌曲了,其中充满了对命运与人生的虔诚循仰,而节奏又是灵动的布鲁斯,如同与圣母对话一般的歌词行云流水般走下来。虽然The Beatles大名鼎鼎,我却在早前听过几首后没有继续再关注,也许那时还太小,理解不了发现不了其中可以打动我的东西。而前一个月吧,再读村上春树的《且听风吟》和《国境以北 太阳以西》的时候,为了怀念他的《挪威的森林》,依着以前的印象说是这个书名是由一首歌来的,于是找来听听,竟是The Beatles的。我喜欢那样的旋律和歌词,旋律很干脆轻快,歌词中就那么说一个简单的小故事,这样却什么都有了。顺便就听了音乐列表上挨着NORWEGIAN WOOD的LET IT BE。我觉得真是妙不可言。两首的歌词都是那么朴实简洁,又有那么透着对感情与人生简简单单的情怀。我被迷住了。又继续听了好几个专辑,了解了THE BEATLES的历史,知道了列侬是个特立独行的家伙。不过听来听去,仍是他们的晚期的作品我最喜欢,也许是因为晚期的作品透着一股天高云淡的气息,令人舒爽。仍是LET IT BE ,我每听一遍,心里都有很大的感动,觉得那是对自己的人生方向的占据与指引,而其要义是何其简单: LET IT BE 。回溯过往,我似乎也是这样的吧,呵呵。

When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me, 
speaking words of wisdom, let it be. 
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me, 
speaking words of wisdom, let it be. 

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. 
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be. 

And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree, 
there will be an answer, let it be. 
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see, 
there will be an answer. let it be. 

Let it be, let it be, ….. 

And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light, that shines on me, 
shine until tomorrow, let it be. 
I wake up to the sound of music, mother Mary comes to me, 
speaking words of wisdom, let it be. 

Let it be, let it be, …..